Clinical trials have shown Flo Nozoil to effectively relieve dry and crusting nasal tissue. The nose may become dry and irritated for a number of reasons such as:
- during /after the common cold
- while using medical devices which deliver air into the nasal passages
- while using medicated nasal medications
- in low humidity environments, e.g. air-conditioning, aircraft cabins
- while using certain medications e.g. the treatment of acne
- in older people due to natural changes in nasal tissues and the shape inside the nose
- after nasal surgery
Flo Nozoil helps to shield damaged dry and crusty tissue from the drying effect of air and also helps to reduce the effects of inflammation which can occur in nasal tissue.
It does not evaporate quickly from the nasal tissues. As a result, Nozoil’s moisturising effects can last longer so that symptoms of dryness and crusting are relieved.