SomnoMed’s new SOMGauge gives you more of what you need to quickly and easily capture the most accurate impression. The SOMGauge is the first gauge of its kind to allow for an increased measurement of the vertical along with an adjustable ramp, lending to amplified impression accuracy and device integrity
Easy to Clean: SomGauge is autoclavable unlike other bite registration devices. Bite forks are disposable.
Easy to Use: Ergonomic and hefty handle with clear protrusion indicators make SomGauge easy to use.
Sufficient Vertical Opening: SomGauge bite forks ensure at least 3mm of acrylic coverage across the whole bite, leads to a stronger device that is less prone to fracture.
Flexible Vertical Adjustment: The vertical adjustment ramp ensures even contact on anterior and posterior surfaces reducing chair time.
The ideal starting position for a protrusive bite record will be comfortable and as protrusive as possible, to ensure efficacy and effectiveness of your patient’s new SomnoDent Mandibular Advancement Splint (MAS).
For most patients, 2/3 of centric to full protrusion is suitable for a starting position. The SOMGauge will allow you and your patient to find this starting point with ease and accuracy.
Once a starting position is obtained, ask the patient to hold in that position for 2-3 minutes and seek feedback on comfort. Adjust if necessary.