The MP mlh+ Multi Syringe is a simple and reliable syringe driver using 10 to 50 ml standard syringes and that provides infusion therapy for a wide range of applications. It is truly ambulatory with a robust design, trouble-free set up and accurate delivery in ml/hr with bolus option. Alternative to the Niki T34 syringe pump or Niki pump.
The MPmlh+ syringe driver offers a range of features designed to provide:
- Safe & simple administration
- Cost effectiveness to use routinely
- Simple set up and user training
The MPmlh+ is an ambulatory syringe driver for administration of prescribed liquid medication to the body through a catheter and is indicated for:
- intravenous
- intra-arterial
- subcutaneous
- intraperitoneal
- in close proximity to nerves
- into an intraoperative site (soft tissue, body cavity /surgical wound site)
- epidural space
- or subarachnoid space infusion.